Death Of The Spider

[Death Of The Spider]
I painted this after after coming home from a coffee shop (The Kelidescope). I was increadibly inspired due to all of the amazing paintings I had viewed while being there.
Though it may not look like it, the butterflies are actually leaves. I ripped the leaves in the shape of butterfiles, then glued them onto the painting. After I let the glue dry, I painted over the leaves, adding a realistic, veiny texture.
In the process of my painting it, a black widow crawled across my painting. In a jolt of fear and impulse, I sprayed it with with the adhesive glue I was using to glue on the plastic forks and knives. The Spider was imedietly dead, however it was now glued to the painting.
If you look closely, on the bottom left corner of the painting, you can see the little spider glued there. I painted a spider web around it so it would have a place to live eternally....
However, after a month of the paintings birth, the spider became missing, one day- it simplied vanished. I have come to believe that the spider's gost was angry and reinhabited it's body, thus creating a zombie spider that would haunt me...forever.
i love that painting
awsome it is like the plasticware i do
neet the webs are and cool the vibe is of fun this painting reminds me love it i do love ecidyrf
Katie! Its so awesome! I love the variety and the idea of it all!
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