Kate Godfrey

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just brushing off some dust....

So guys, can I say "been a while???" Sorry about the long period of little updates. For all I know after this post could be followed by another one of those "dark ages." My desire for public writing fluctuates like a confused outlet, that never knows when it wants to let the plug drop onto the floor. I really can never promise you anything when it comes to regularly adding new reading materials for your starving brains and thirsty eyes.
My eyes kept getting pissed off at the repetition of seeing the same layout for so long, so finally I gave in and changed the layout (dramatic music sounds). I must say the eyes and I are on much better terms these days, they haven't complained or tried to start shit in a while.
Things are pretty much the same-o same-o in all of the basic areas of my life. I am back in school now as a Junior in high school (amazing).
As always I have continued to work on my music and drawing, writing poems, and messing around with different rifs on the guitar. My artistic leisure time means a lot more to me than school does. Yes, I do care about being educated and whatnot, but as far as being content, I am much more happy being on my own artisic wave of freedom. Call me cwazy, but I doubt I am going to go to college *pretty much everyone that is reading this gasps in shock.* I know, I know! Shun me, try to kill me, talk shit, hate me, Do your best, I care not of what I SHOULD do, as far as college goes. Thank you for reading just another piece of nonsense from the one and only KATELYN GODFREY.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Frydice said...

i agree with you about freedom i did terrible in school not because i am stupid but because i cannot be so constrained in cages of mental comformity i get greatly understimulated plus florecent lights are bad for your happiness as far as fluxuating desires to wright whew i know that one all to well i love your music it is beutiful just like your paintings and you keep being you and you shall be ok in life love dave

At 11:18 PM, Blogger AlanRay said...

i haven't gone to college yet and look at me, i've turned out just fine. i may be a bit strange, but everyone is strange sometimes.


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