Kate Godfrey

Friday, December 24, 2004

The Holidays

Christmas is tommorow and I honestly don't really feel the holiday spirit...sometimes it seems like holidays are just a waste of time and money. Somtimes it just seems like the industries are just in it for the money, and the real meaning has been lost somewhere in the ways of modern society...But you know what? That's just the way the cookie crumbles. Be it a religous, santaful, or a greedy one, I wish you all the best holiday time, even if it is a load of crud to think about...*sigh* but getting free stuff is alright, whateva. If you feel the need to get me somthing then....YOUR WRONG! heh. actually I don't really care, we don't have that much money so I wont be able to get most of the gifts first off, so don't be offended if I don't have something for you.
I also think it is increadibly rude to press people for gifts after they haven't gotten you anything. Infact, I know some people that do just that same thing. I wont put out any names or anything, but if you are that person, and you know for a fact that it is you....then you should really clean up your act man! Getting gifts from people should be a compassionate heart filled one! Not just some filler that you will end up throwing out anyway. Freakn' Crap! It is the same with all gifts, from birthdays, Christmas, even to valentines..you have always been there to nag me for me for your present or candy, Thank you...even though I didn't mean it, thank you anyway man, you are a real dedicated jerk! I am sorry if you are reading this now my friend, I know you know who you are.
Well, for you guys that are interested, I am going to be performing at the Electric Theature, on the celebration held in St. George called "first night," with the band I am [kind of] a part of, it consists of my mom, her sister, and a friend of ours named Kurtis.. I am going to be playing the drums for all of the numbers I am not playing the guitar and singing to. YEAH YEAH I know it sounds kinda lame to be in a band with your parent, but hey, whatch me biotch :) There is also going to be a friend of ours named Dave Dalton, who has his own one man band called "Frydice" he will be performing with our group as well. Each of us will only be playing a few of our soungs, so I have been stressing over which ones to play -_-...Over the course of an hour long show, we will have to narrow it down to the best of the best. I am not entirely sure what time it starts at, but I will be sure to post once I find out. You guys should come down! Surport us! This will our first show at the electric theature.
See you then!


At 4:35 PM, Blogger Jocelyn said...

Dude! Just think, you were on the stage where only hours before, Zebrahead sweated and yelled upon!~!~! The pride!


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