Kate Godfrey

Friday, October 22, 2004

To catch up...

To my faithful fans,
Over the last few months I have gathered that many people have come to thourally enjoy reading my posts here on blogspot. This being the case, I will try my hardest to post more often, and give you guys more of the 411 on stories, poems, random insanity, thoughts, and current events. I am deeply sorry that I have kept you guys waiting for so long to read some more good stuff, well there was a reason for all of this.
My family has been going through chaos lately...My step dad literally ran away awhile ago. Just got in the car and drove off. Well, apparently he had been taking anti depressant pills such as prosaic to help ease the depression. He later ran out of prosaic, causing him to suddenly switch to zoloft. The side effects of switching between drugs drastically can be insane. That is exactly what my father had become!
After he hadn't returned home for a few days, we all started to worry about him, Where did he go? Would he actually try to end his own life??? All of us were in the dark, terrifying images would constantly run through my head. Without any clue where he was....All we could do was contact the authorities- and wait.
About a few days later I received a phone call from the police- Robin had been found. He had been staying in Las Vegas, living in his car. People had made reports that there had been a man acting strangely, deliberately lingering around his car parked next to a dumpster. Sadly, that was his only means of nourishment. The authorities even found papers in his car which he had written random thoughts like: I am the anti Christ or I am evil. Hearing this upset me, a shock that I never thought I would feel involving Robin, such a spiritual and loving man. What really was going through his mind when he wrote those things? It puzzles me still.
The very day my mother heard that Robin was found, she wanted to see him as soon as she could. Besides....It was going to be there 1st year anniversary in two days. Well mom wasn't able to go until about 3 days after she planned to. So the anaversary passed...And the wedding cake remained untouched. But that didn't stop her. "I'm in love with him!! How can I just sit here and do nothing?!" Honestly, I couldn't stop the woman if I did my absolute best to do so. So, the three of us remained, completely alone....I decided I would do something....
I TREW A HUGE PARTY!! oh muh goodns' it was great!!! I got drunk and smoked pot!!!
- heh heh not really, I just wanted to see how you kiddies would react, though I can't really see or hear how you are feeling right now...so I don't really know why I just did that. I hope you got a bit of a kick though...ANYWAY enough tangents- back to the story. In a way, I almost felt neglected just left to watch over 2 kids...Both of which are some of the most slobbyish people I know, not to mention the tantrum my youngest sister (who is now 10 years old and shouldn't even act in the way she does.) You honestly have no idea what she acts like...Only if you have seen her in the act would you understand. In fact, as I type I can hear her screaming right now, Kayla, my other sister, turned up the TV in the other room to drown out the sound of the hellish cries, as she yells profanitys at her...Overall it sounds like the pits of hell. GRAH! Sometimes I wonder how I get by living with all of this damn drama.
So my mom has returned from Vegas once, to buy us food, then she was on her way again to See Robin- who was attending a mental hospital, to help him from his depression. Now, he is out of the hospital and is currently in Vegas with my mom. She was supposed to come home today, but as always she is prolonging her return. Nothing new.


Tonight my good friends, Malissa and Jocelyn, are going to see the new movie called The Grudge, It is the sequel to the movie called The Ring, and it is supposed to be incredibly terrifying- after all, The Ring was creepy enough....Hopefully this one will live up to the first. This is the first night that it is out, so we are expecting a large crowd. We are going to the late showing, which is around 10 pm.

"In every darkness I will find a light.....
...I wont let something that will eventually pass ruin my life."
--------Katie Godfrey, October 22nd


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