Kate Godfrey

Friday, January 13, 2006


I feel as if my arms and eye lids have become a significant amount heavier. It is 1:07, and I have to continue to keep myself up because of Honor Choir. An unsuspected and uninformed trip to Salt Lake was rescheduled for today, and the busses leave at 4am in the morning. But hey, at least I get to miss a day of school. So I figure, instead of going to sleep I am just going to stay up, like a zombie owl until the time arrives.

On top of honor choir, I just tried out for the Drama Team today. I don't know why I keep bringing on all of these responsibilities, but I guess it will give me something to remember and boast about. Being on the Drama Team (that is if I make it) I will have to keep my grades up to qualify. Looking at my past patterns, this is kind of an issue because of my laziness. I know when I can shape my ass into gear I can do it. I can just be so apathetic a good portion of the time. *grumblegrumbleextracuricularactivietiesgrumblejobgrumble*

It turns out, the possibilities of me getting that Burger King job may be back in the light. Apparently one of the workers is going to be fired due to attitude problems, and I am possibly going to replace her. I almost feel bad but then...The thought of having a loaded wallet makes me not give a damn. I really need a car, so getting a job will make things work out in that department.

God, staying up this late (heh early) makes me feel so strange. It's like my day just got put into some kind of stretching mechanism, thus causing my day to be...Two days long. Not sleeping makes everything so different, my perception is all fucked up. In fact, it is so fucked up that I am beginning to feel as if I am going to hallucinate.

I have had some of the worst sleep dep hallucinations, one time I saw my brother pop into my doorway, then swiftly jump away. I wasn't sure if I really was seeing him or not, so I stood up and looked around saying; "Nate?" Obviously he didn't answer...just another loopy case, eh?

Right now I feel like I am coating over my inner tiredness with a false sense of energy. I know I am just running on some sort of autopilot, but once it all comes crashing down it will be uber HEFTY. Funny...I have to start getting ready in a few hours, blast!

The thought of the bed sounds so sexy to me right now. I just want to penetrate it with my body, and slip under it's warm and cozy covers. Nuzzle up to my pillow while laying on my side, and just sit there and think. I love thinking right before I go to sleep, I find at this time I come up with some of the my best ideas. It's like my mind needs a relaxing time to ponder on it's own, without the distractions of the busy traffic of everyday life. What better time then when one is about to sleep? Ah, the glories of the mind...And sleep. waaaaaaah.


At 10:41 AM, Blogger Frydice said...

ahhhh sleep dep sucks right before working
but enough theine/caffeine helps me make it through the confusion
i keep seeing people that arent there
and doors opening by themselves
anyway have fun in slc
sing your heart out
well try keeping your heart within your chest
to avoid a bloody mess


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