Time will come, time will go...Your hair is brown, then later your blond roots start to grow out. It is insane how fast the blur of the past trails behind you. Like some sort of memory train, that weaves through an endless tunnel way of dejavu. Sometimes I swear to god feel time lapse over the present. The way the breeze is causing my curtains to slightly drift up and down, it brings me back to 2004. Time travel, almost. The years have been coming and going, almost as if they are an hour long college class.
Is this so unhealthy? Forcibly looking to the horizon, the future? Maybe life shouldn't be lived like that. People should look to what is immediately around them. Their loved ones, how the DAY feels, and not how the YEAR feels, or even the whole life. Because that is what makes you stagnant, what makes you non progressive. When you don't enjoy every damn second of your day, your NOW! Time is now, dammit! Enjoy every smile from an unfamiliar child ridding by on a bike. Every moment you spend laying on your friends lawn looking up at the night sky. Every fucking moment something MEANINGFUL is being built into your memory. These are things people need to treasure as they are happening.
It seems like ever since the 'responsibility perspective' kicked in nothing has been the same. I don't really know when all of this happened. Seems like some of the only right times in my life were when I was a kid. Back at my first house, playing in the sand and spraying the garden hose up into the air over my head. Damn, those days are SO meaningful.
People should do things they love! If you want to learn the guitar, do it. If you want to pursue a carreer that requires schooling, do it. If you want to get paid for something you are passionate about, do it! BE HAPPY! Because if you don't have that, you might as well just be dead. Because that is what keeps our drive to progress in play, enjoying things!! That's all I have for now chums, enjoy your life. Because Time will only come and go, while your at it, catch a few memories on the river of life!