Kate Godfrey

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


"Katie Godfrey lurks out of a dark corner and beckons you"...

Yes, it is true. I have lost my flyer virginity. Sure, I have played shows and whatnot, but never has my name been featured on a flyer (as shown). I am really excited for this, and if you guys would like, you could come out and see the show, it should be pretty fun I'd bet. Anyway the details are on the flyer to the left. Enjoy.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

The 8

It is strange to me how time never takes a break. Here I am living my life, and everything else just wizzes by into nothingness. I can expirence something so increadibly wonderful, or perhaps something so terrible and yet it always just becomes non existant, to only be something that sticks into this odd thing called memory. It's comming to that time of year when the weather becomes dark and dreary but with those occasional optomistic loving days when it is bright and cheery. It is that time of year I remember what happened in the previous one.

Every morning I step outside and feel the cool wind blow on my face as the bright sunrise peaking over the mesa takes it's approach. It reminds me of loosing faith, and starting a new life. It reminds me of watching debri fly ahead and seeing it get stuck on fences, and thinking how beautiful it is to have been the only person in the entire world to have seen it. It reminds me of sitting there in a daze staring at the carpet, and listening to the sound of everyone chatter, and giggle, as I think to myself, "here we go again."

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


(fuh-juh-tuh-L): 1. A combination or random placement in one area. 2. a slur of words, or paragraphs.
Example: The garbage dump was quite a fuhjuttle of different items.

[the word fuhjuttle is not actually in the dictionary, but an original word from Katelyn's mind]

If you haven't notice yet, most of my current updates with this site have been for the layout. I suppose that's not the most interesting thing to view for my readers, so I apologize if I was making anyone like the strings of repitition were pulling on their balls. Leave any comments about the layout if you please, I would be interested in hearing your input.
So I am sitting here in a daze as my school day lies but 40 minutes away. My hair is wet, and my eyes are droopy. The sound of the computer sounds like a miniature construction site, that just happens to be louder than anything else around.
Oh and guess what else? I got my drivers license! *does a fuck yeah dance* This may not mean a damn thing to the majority of people out there. I am not even affiliated with most of the people in this awesomely large, and ever growing population of this world. BUT, at least I can drive my little Toosh where ever I want, and do it legally. Not to mention the amount of friends and acquaintances that will be requesting a ride in my...Car I don't have.
Yes, this is true comrades, a license is in my possession, yet a car of a thousand horses is one I do not have. Alas, I must get ready for my day ahead of me. Farewell.