Kate Godfrey

Sunday, February 27, 2005


This one is mainly just a poem, but I will most likely make it into song lyrics:


My stone heart anchors
on this paper ship
I drifted to far down the river
The current was to quick
I created this sliver
My blood frozen and thick

I'm drowning under water
I reach out for your grip
you don't even see me
The boat rocks on the river
So deep and so cold
I see you all

On the bottom of freedom
My finger nails scrape
so close to life
Such an easy escape

I'm drowning under water
My hand dances at the surface
You all laugh at me now
I have been seen

Further and further I fall
You are above me
My mercy is at your tilted head
I watch my self in your eyes
Fadded and dead

No longer living
finally hear you cry
Swept away by the irony
I am now in sky

Lost key to a Locket

This is the lyrics to one of my songs:
Lost key to a locket

Torn between
what is wrong and what is right
born to not be seen
waiting just a shadow in the night
empty I stay when I lock it all away
forever here I'll linger out of sight
But the lost key must be found
someday somehow
running and dodging making no sound
the time can't just be now
But the lost key has been found
it's easy you know how
put the locket in the sun
dig it from the ground
the time is in the now
run away, run away
run now, you've been found
their behind you
yet still you stand

The time has come
pass it by again
they all see you
curl up and cry again

What do you say
when you block it all away
forgeting what was done
what's left today

Saturday, February 26, 2005




**** expect many new posts soon****

Friday, February 25, 2005

just stopping by

Hey guys

I am here on the school computers once again, and....still no internet at home. It is Friday, so I won't be able to post ontil monday if I don't get my internet back up. Well, things are going kinda sketchy for me these days. My mom is a total space case...she seriously can't remember things worth a crud! That has been kinda difficult to deal with, especially since I know how vounrable she is. A while back she let this dude named Joe pull his RV into our yard. They started off with sort of a romantic relationship...the thing is, she only knew the guy for about 2 days. WTF???! I thought. How could we just move some stranger in with us when we barely even know the guy....grah. Well over the last few weeks we have noticed he has a very controlling personality. So controlling that the other night I wittnessed him grab on to my mom's arm in a suttle, but violant maner. Who knows what this might turn into...just one little thing might set him off. He just recently got off of his meds, so that can be a big part of it.
Any poo, my mom is going to give him a 2 weeks notice to move out, and find a new place to live. I am quite relieved at that news.
I have been progressing on my music alot lately, writting songs, learning new cords, and loads of new poetry in my note book. I hope to someday get a peice of crap burned CD of all of my songs, you know, like a kick start into the world of music. I am not expecting anything huge. You shouldn't either.
Talk about music, I am going to play the guitar for my friend Bevin Jenkin's performance in the Mrs. Hurricane pagent. We have been working on it for the last 3 weeks, I am quite impressed by the progress my friend Bevin has been making in her singing, as well as the all around sound of the song.
Oh yeah! And my mom, Donna DuCrest and her sister Deana (AKA: The Carter Twins, or In2it) have been playing shows at the electric theature lately. They even have one of their songs on the radio. It plays on Sunny 93.5, and the name of the song is "Give it up for Love." Anyway, if you hear it, just know...that my mama.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Sad News

My dear dear friends, family, and fans...

There have been recent technical difficulties that cut off my ability to use the internet. I will not be able to send or receive any email you guys send me, so don't get butt hurt if I don't reply. I am lucky to even be on the school computers to send out this message. I am deeply sorry for the recent events, and I will try in all of my power to get my internet back up and running. I am sure I am just as broken about this as you are. Infact, If I do not get the internet back working in my humble abode....I fear that my life source will automatically go into self destruct mode. It will cause an explosion with a radios of 33,000 miles in diameter, with a magnitude of 77,754,539 HP. To all of the local Digi, and Pokemon. Not to mention killing all of the residence in the area. I fear for the lives of many....And my own. I love you all. Wish me luck.

yours Truly,